New B4 owner in Vic

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New B4 owner in Vic

Postby VincentB » Sun Jun 25, 2017 10:16 pm

Hi, I'm Vincent.
I live around daylesford in the central highlands. I just picked up a 2001 Liberty B4 with 113,000 Km on it.
I'm an engineering student; 5.5/6 years through my double bachelors degree. Last year I had a year of paid work experience and saved up enough for a nice car. I've been looking for a clean one for a year now and I've surely found it.
This is my first rego'd car and will be my daily. My other ride is a 1987 Toyota MR2 which I bought with a dead engine. I rebuild the engine and I've almost got it roadworthy.
Aside from cars, I'm interested in motorcycles, nature, guns and classical music.
I wasn't planning any mods, but after driving it for nearly 1000Km I'm finding it really quiet, so I'm thinking maybe a slightly louder muffler, but I'll drive it a lot more before I make a decision.
I'm also planning on getting the cruise control bits from an outback and installing them onto my car, it's got a "dealer installed" cruise control that's broken, and given how ugly it is I don't want to bother fixing it.
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Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:44 pm
Location: Central Highlands, Victoria
Car: 2001 Liberty B4
Real name: Vincent Baelde

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