A bit of a laugh (make it funny)

Funny stuff. Nothing too obscene please...

Re: A bit of a laugh (make it funny)

Postby Spec B Wgn » Wed May 05, 2010 6:38 pm

Hopped into the liberty and went...
Down to Phat Gt's to buy import dog biscuts,
to be told the sea freight has been taken by pirates!
arhh me matey where be me biscuts
they be in the Libaarty!
That's Port Libaarty matey
Haha time to get the AK47 from my local supplier
Oh no, intaking sand set my car afire
ordered a supreme pizza, diana ross delivered it
Diana ate my left leg tho..
Diana...died in a nasty accident .......
Due to the reason of her being -
married to prince charles would seem
Pathetically crazy due to their origins (Is that even a word? )
origin go the blues
puberty blues. where's my frangers
This cowboy walks in to a German car showroom and he says 'Audi!'
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Spec B Wgn
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Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 5:33 pm
Location: About to overtake you..


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