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B4 Intake Resonator Removal

PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:34 pm
by Kopeck
Hi guys,

My first post here, I am new to the modding scene and just getting around to doing up my B4 - I've had it since May 2015. Will get around to doing an intro in the near future.

I just have a question regarding the resonator removal in the B4. I have a MY01, and I know there is a walkthrough in these forums but its for the Gen 4 and I cannot locate anything online about the B4s resonator. I have removed as much as I can from the intake and from what I can gather the resonator is in the wheel well? Do I need to remove the splash guarding from underneath to get in there? I am not even sure if the B4 has one and it seems like a bitch to remove so I wanted to make sure this was the case before doing. I don't get much free time and I am not mod savvy (yet!).

Thanks in advance for any help for this noobie :)