How to install a dashcam into a 2021 Outback.

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How to install a dashcam into a 2021 Outback.

Postby Ric » Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:48 pm

After someone reversed into my almost brand new Outback, I decided a dashcam was an essential accessory.
The included power supply plugs into a cigarette light/aux power socket, so is an ugly installation if you don't put some extra work in.

The auto-dimming rear view mirror has power just WHEN you need it, and just WHERE you need it too, so this post describes how I did a clean install using that.
It's a work in progress, so I'll be adding bits as they get done.

Here is how the almost complete installation looks:
Image Image Image
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Re: Dashcam install into 2021 Outback

Postby Ric » Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:13 pm

Bits to buy

I went for a Navman MiVue 140 GPS Tag Dash Camera.
JB had them on super-special for $79. You can often get them for $99 (RRP $139)
Image Image

The ideal solution would be a Dongar Dash Cam power adaptor. This goes inline into your auto-dimming rear-view mirror power supply, giving USB 5V whenever the ignition is on. (US$25, but they won't post overseas)
They direct you to Amazon for overseas sales, but Amazon were out of stock at the time, and it was pretty expensive landed in Australia. (AUD$48.18 + AUD$13.24 postage = AUD$61.42
Or even worse if you buy via Amazon AU ... B07BH4G1NW (AUD$118.04)

So, I decided to make my own.
12 -> 5V Power module was $9.50 on eBay. (Even cheaper from China, but I bought locally to get it quicker)

and the 10-pin male+female connectors are AU$ 3.96 + AU$ 8.13 postage, so $12.09 landed from AliExpress
(Luckily I already have access to a suitable crimper for these tiny terminals)

and a short USB-A to mini USB right-angle plug.
$9.11 locally on eBay ... 1648964320 (cheaper form China)

here's the power tap assembly
and the power supply board with USBcable
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Re: How to install a dashcam into a 2021 Outback.

Postby Ric » Tue Dec 20, 2022 4:05 pm


The supplied suction cup mount is pretty ordinary.
Navman seem to have continued the style used for GPS navigator mounts, but a dashcam needs to be as close as possible to the glass, and hopefully tucked out of the way up behind your sun visors.
Here's how the standard mount looks. The style ensures the camera will be a long way back from the glass, and therefore prone to picking up reflections inside the cabin.
It's also always in your sight line, so obstructing your view a bit.
Image Image

And here's a 3D-printed alternative which works much better! (Original on the left, home-made on the right)
(It is two sections, screwed together so they can pivot. That does give me up/down adjustment, but not side to side or rotate.)
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Re: How to install a dashcam into a 2021 Outback.

Postby Ric » Tue Dec 20, 2022 4:06 pm

Connecting the wiring

First you need to remove the plastic trim behind the Eyesight cameras (with the sunglass holder and map lights)
Pop the sunglass holder open and remove the two phillips screws inside it.

Then start pulling the trim down from the back edge. It takes a firm pull to get this started. Some plastic trim removal tools could help.

Once that is free, you need to pull it backwards while pulling the front edge down. There are some clips at the front which won't let you pull it directly down (or will break if you do!)
There's two electrical plugs to remove. A grey one for the sunroof button (if you have one), and a white one for the map lights and microphone.
Image Image

You then need to remove the two sides of the shroud around the mirror mount. This is hard to get started, but they will slide apart, driver side first, then the passenger side.

Then remove the black plug for the mirror power
You need to push where the small red circle is below, to release the plug lock.
Image Image

(note, there is a huge unused cavity inside the mirror mount. I have seen an older model Outback that had a third camera in there.)

(more to come)
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Re: How to install a dashcam into a 2021 Outback.

Postby Ric » Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:09 pm

(one more post reserved for extra info)
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Re: How to install a dashcam into a 2021 Outback.

Postby JezzaH6 » Mon Jan 02, 2023 4:58 pm

Very nice and clean install! Way easier than running a cable through the interior :lol:
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