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DIY - How to install a Killswitch

PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:57 pm
by bjiorn
**Disclaimer: I am not an electrician, I am doing this on my own accord to my own personal vehicle. I am not accountable for what you do to your vehicle***

- To have a killswitch between the fuel pump relay and the ECU and located in an unseen area of the cabin, in case of a break in they can only steal the contents and not the whole car.

- Your preferred method of joining wires either crimping or soldering up to you
- The rocker switch (I used one from supercheap: SCA Switch - Rocker, 25amp Part no: SCS1046)
○ Keep in mind it needs to be able to handle the connection amp of the fuel pump relay
- 16/12 gauge wire (I used some from Jaycar, I cant remember what it was probably 12 gauge) to your desired length.
- Heat shrink - Because doing it right will make all electricians happy.

- Crimper
- Sockets (to remove the carpet and the ecu plate
- Wire cutters
- Soldering iron (if you are soldering)

1. Remove the passenger side carpet to have access to the ECU bash plate
Note: I used a guide like this, yes its different but surely you can deduce its just the other side....

2. Remove the ECU bash plate and strip back the black electrical tape until you can see the red striped green wire

3. Cut and test if you can start the car. I got the following error which showed there was an error with the ECU and it would not attempt to start (including no cranking which will reduce the chance of having your fuel pump screwed or something else)
- If you car starts you have the wrong wire, best to quickly turn off and rewire the one you just cut and repeat step 2.

4. Use your preferred wire joining method (crimping or soldering) to attach one 12/16 gauge each end of the wire you just cut resulting in each end of the wire having an "extension".
a. Attach each end to the rocker switch:
i. If you are using the one exactly the same as below, I recommend to attach a splade connector to the end of the 16guage and then to the rocker switch, this makes it easier to disconnect and connect when needed if you want to relocate.

5. Test out your new switch and find a place to put it. I will not share where I put mine for security reasons, just be imaginative.

Please leave some comments, this is my first walkthrough so critical feedback would be good on how I could improve :)
I have been running this setup just under 8months now and I have had no issues with it whatsoever.

Cheers and Merry Christmas!

Re: DIY - How to install a Killswitch

PostPosted: Tue Dec 24, 2019 10:27 am
by bigBADbenny
Great idea!
Especially with the rise of home invasion and car theft with owners keys...